
For such a new church (est. 1995), Pinehurst UMC has already grown into a beacon of light within the beautiful Sandhills. From our humble beginnings as a store-front church, to our new building with iconic windows and natural light, we’ve found ways to meet God and meet new people, whether it’s through passionate worship on Sunday mornings or compassionate service throughout the week.

As part of the United Methodist Church, we lift up the many expressions of grace that God gives God’s people. There’s the grace that gently beckons us to God’s side even before we’re giving God much thought. There’s the grace that restores us to right relationship and gives us a fresh start. And there’s the grace that journeys with us the rest of our lives, helping us grow more and more into the people God’s called us to be.

Come discover who God is – and who you are – by coming to PUMC.

View our campus.

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