Welcome to PUMC

At Pinehurst United Methodist Church, we believe our relationship with God is continually renewed through our relationship with others. Please take a moment to leave your contact information so we can get to know you better as we share faith and life together.

    What To Expect

    When you arrive at PUMC, expect to be greeted with warmth and smiles. We love to meet new people and make them feel at home. Our traditional services include organ music, unison prayers, and classic hymns. Our contemporary service begins with several current worship songs, accompanied by guitar, drums, and keys, and typically has more casual attire. Both services provide a chance to greet the person sitting beside you, and both services include communion the first Sunday of the month.

    Whether you worship with us at our traditional service at 8:15 or 11 am, or at our contemporary service at 9:40am, we gather as a community of faith to worship, proclaim and receive God’s Word, respond in faith, and depart to love and serve our neighbors and communities. You can also watch and experience our traditional worship service on our YouTube channel.

    Whichever you choose, we hope that through worship, you will experience the steadfast love of God, the redeeming presence of Christ, and the holy breath of the Spirit.


    Children are welcome in worship, and our traditional services even set aside time for a minister to gather the kids together and share a story with them. So please know that you are free to keep your kids with you in worship, as they sing – and sometimes dance! – in praise to God. But, if your little ones would rather stretch their legs and interact with playmates, childcare is provided throughout the morning.

    Hearing Loop

    Pinehurst UMC now has a Hearing Loop, which is a system that sends the voices of the choir and pastors directly from the microphone into a hearing aid worn by anyone in the congregation. The system provides the cleanest, clearest sound imaginable for hearing aid wearers and does not require a headset, as it works with any hearing aid that has a T-coil. We also have a limited supply of loop receivers and head sets that can be used during worship if your hearing aid is not equipped with a t-coil.

    For assistance during worship, feel free to ask an usher.

    Meet the Pastors

    Pastor Jabe and Katie have teamed up to listen for God’s leading at PUMC, and what they hear has been full of promise. Our church family just keeps growing, both by reaching out and by drilling down, deepening in the faith even as we extend our arms ever wider. We are taking church outside the walls of the sanctuary and into the beautiful mess of our daily lives.

    Together our pastors strive to preach fresh messages for those who are thirsting, and offer care for those who are hurting. They are convinced PUMC is the best appointment they could have!

    Welcome to Pinehurst UMC. Thanks for visiting!
