God is up to something in our midst. Come out for one of these special events, these seasonal glimpses of God at work, and share in the excitement of a Spirit who's on the move.


2/2  New Member Class (2pm)
2/2  Kids on a Mission (3:30pm)
2/8  Chocolate Festival (9am-1pm)
2/21-23  Youth Retreat to Mount Shepherd


3/2  Kids on a Mission (3:30pm)
3/5  Ash Wednesday Services (8:30am, 5:30pm, or drop by between 9-4)
3/6  Lenten Lunch & Learn (12pm/Thursdays during Lent)
3/8  Parents Trivia Night (Time TBD)


4/6  Egg Hunt (3:30pm)
4/17  Maundy Thursday Service of Communion (6pm)
4/18  Good Friday Tenebrae Concert (6pm)
4/20  Easter Sunday Sunrise Service (6:30am); Traditional Services  (8:15 & 11am); Contemporary  (9:40am)

Welcome to Pinehurst UMC. Thanks for visiting!